Love Your Voice!

Butterfly, you are powerful. And the most vital key to understanding and unlocking that power is learning to Love Your Voice!

I am a passionate encourager of Voice. Through my books, blogs, art, podcasts, and social media posts, I share rich messages designed to help you stand in your greatness. I guess you could say I’m a Voice Coach of sorts. Training you, equipping you, and cheering you on from the sidelines!

Why do I do this? Why do I care if you Love Your Voice?

I do it because, after many years of struggling with doubt and uncertainty, I have finally learned to love my own voice. I care because I understand how it feels to be duped into believing that you are voiceless.

Our voices are our identities. And I struggled to make sense of my own identity for the better part of my life.

One day, I asked myself a life-changing question. At the time, I was a 33-year-old wife and mother of 5. I vividly recall driving down the road, thinking “Who am I? And who is Donloyn when no one else is around? Apart from all the roles I fulfill, who am I really?”

Here I was, desperately struggling to fulfill roles that needed me to show up with knowledge of and love of myself to be successful. How could I teach my children to understand their voices and stand tall in their power if I had no clue how to do it for myself? Furthermore…how could I be a strong half of a union where two are required to become one?

Butterfly, when I inquired these things of myself, I can honestly say I did not have the answers. I had no idea.

And that is a scary place to be.

How could I possibly Love My Voice if I couldn’t even recognize its existence?

The same is true for you, because in order to Love Your Voice, you must first understand who you are at your core.

Understanding who you are is the key to believing in who you are. Once you Believe, then you can Become all you were designed to be. Once you Become, then there’s only one thing left to do…Birth greatness into the world.

But you can’t do any of this if you don’t commit to uncovering the beauty and power of your unique identity.
Butterfly! It’s time to Love Your Voice! 

I have a challenge for you! And since it’s February, consider it my Valentine’s gift to you!

I challenge you to spend the next 7 days getting to know YOU!

This is the 7 Day Love Your Voice Challenge!

It’s a 39-page printable workbook designed to help you LOVE YOUR VOICE! And it is completely FREE! All you have to do is subscribe to this site and receive!

Today is a good day to begin to LOVE YOUR VOICE! SUBSCRIBE and begin the Challenge TODAY!


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