A Love Affair

A Love Affair


Our link has been tumultuous filled with turbulence and passion

Dangerously you’ve escorted me from misery to satisfaction

You have cut me and left me wounded, dying, lost in tears

Then comforted me in your warm embrace and delivered me from my fears


You’ve been absent from my memory, forgotten, obsolete

Only to return again, at my lips we meet

You make your presence known when I am naive and unassuming

Sometimes you’re softly spoken, at others loudly booming

You are there when I am naked, standing all alone

Quickly transforming from tender to harsh depending on my tone

You are there when I am laughing, with others all around

Whispering secrets into my ear, without even making a sound

In ecstasy, you scream my name, much to my delight

I’m wrapped up in your essence, your nuances surround me tight

Through adaptations you reinvent yourself and my mind is captivated

When your new meanings suit my purposes, I am selfishly elated

At times you mean the world to me, at others, nothing at all

I find much needed escape in you when my back’s against the wall

I cannot get you off my mind no matter how I try

You are my voice, you are my truth, you are my carefully crafted lie

I love you, I hate you, you are everything and nothing

You are my best friend when I’m happy, my worst enemy when I’m cussing

I’d be lost without you, you’ve become my sweet addiction

I’m dependent upon you for expression, my necessary affliction

I see you when I can’t see myself, I hear your voice and I get weak

I feel you deep inside of me, you caress my mouth and I speak

You touch me and I’m whole again, inspired beyond measure

You cause me to question and investigate, on a search for buried treasure


You stroke my ego and fill me up, shaping me into a confident woman

You show ignorance and chauvinistic ways, thinking I’ll jump when you summon

You call attention to my sex appeal, complimenting my hips and thighs

Then laugh and scoff at all my flaws, really it’s no surprise

Inseparable since I was a baby, we’ve never been apart for a day

But when I’m old, worn and silver-haired, you could begin to fade away

By my side whether I’ve needed you or not, not giving me any peace

You’ve fueled my voice and I’ve been heard, finally finding release

You come to me through melodies, providing much needed escape

With an open jacket, you envelope me, and I see your story take shape

At times your expressions are simple, a gesture or nod of the head

At others, they are more complex, angry and filled with dread

We’re back and forth, we’re in and out, emotions all over the place

Something undeniable sustains our love, though I’ve never even seen your face

For some this relationship may not work, for some it seems absurd

But no man’s thoughts will ever change my Love Affair with words…


~A private peek into my personal Love Affair~


Tell me, what is your secret Love Affair?


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