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This challenge is all about committing to 7 days of learning to Love the Power of You!
Your Voice is your identity. It’s the expression and manifestation of who you are and who God created you to be. It’s the way you show up in the world.
God placed power on the inside of you. And your Voice—when delivered responsibly—is the expression of that power.
But the only way to unlock that power is by learning to #LoveYourVoice!
This 39-page, printable workbook is full of teachings and exercises designed to help you uncover and love the power of You!
Before diving into the 7 days, you’ll learn what voice is and why we are all microphones.
Once you jump into the challenge, you’ll explore 7 Key topics:
🎤 God’s Voice
🎤 Your Voice
🎤 Lying Voices
🎤 Feed Voice
🎤 Protect Voice
🎤 Space for Voice
🎤 Believe in Voice
Simply fill out the subscription form above. And you will receive your free, printable PDF workbook!
Take the challenge!
Love Your Voice!
Begin today!